Media Reviews

BBC Radio 4 Extra Podcast Radio Hour 

“…what a beautiful, brilliant idea. To go and speak to the people that are first on the scene…but it's so sensitively and carefully done… I think Georgie does this great thing with her interviews where she gives the people space to just share, reflect on what they've done …and it's just incredible to hear how that must affect them…how resilient and brave they must be. Fascinating, fascinating conversations. I think this is a real example of podcasting at its best…

Esquire Magazine

“Look, the idea of sitting down and relaxing with a nice, concentrated blast of pain and the wreckage that any death leaves behind isn’t exactly enticing, we know. But the unflinching attitude of Georgie Vestey’s interview podcast turns the most difficult subject of all into a listen that’s so tender and fascinating that you owe it to yourself to face down that awkwardness…Not immediately cheery, but completely sublime.”

Podbible Magazine

“Alright cards on the table this is all about death and dying, and it does not pull its punches. However - and this is a substantial however - Dead Honest finds its power and a kind of serenity in staring the most difficult subject of all in the face. Georgie Vestey meets professionals whose work brings them into daily contact with death, from disaster victim identifiers to crisis negotiators.

Lauren Passell Podcast the Newsletter

I interviewed Rumble Strip’s Erica Heilman last week who tweeted about an episode of Dead Honest and I trust her taste so I listened, and now I can’t stop. Host Georgie Vestey …is able to capture in these conversations due to her sharp interviewing skills, something Erica knows a lot about. I have listened to podcasts about grief before, but this one opened up an entire new wing of the grief mansion to explore.

Daily Telegraph

“Moving interviews with people who deal with death on a daily basis, including police divers and a tow truck driver who retrieves vehicles from crash sites.”


Listed in Top Podcasts by Esquire Magazine in 2021, 2022 and 2024 

Listed in Best Podcast Guide of 2022, Podbible Magazine 

Listed in 50 Best Podcasts, Daily Telegraph, 2022