3. Investigating Sudden Death

Burial place RIP tribute. Photo copyright: Nick Vestey Watson

Bob and Karen are Coroner’s Officers who investigate sudden and unexpected deaths.

Episode Transcript

Bob and Karen are Coroner’s Officers who investigate sudden deaths, from fatal car accidents to deadly cliff falls. We discuss how they prepare families for viewings in the mortuary, the challenge of dealing with suicides and the cases they will never forget.

This episode includes references to suicide so listener discretion is advised.

If any of the themes in this programme have affected you, contact The Samaritans for advice and support.

For specific support after suicide visit Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide (SOBS). They also have local peer support groups.

Produced by Georgie Vestey and Kate McAll, with original music by John Biddle and sound design by James Honess.

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